1                     introduction


1.1               The existing Cape Collinson Crematorium has started operation since 1962. Cremator Nos. 1-10 were replaced in 1995 and Nos. 11-12 were commissioned in 2001. 


1.2               In order to cope with an increasing demand for cremation services, Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) proposes to demolish the existing crematorium as well as to construct and operate a new crematorium in-situ as a replacement (hereinafter referred to as the Project). The Project will be developed in two phases, and detailed descriptions of the two phases are provided in Section 2 of this Report. The location and works boundary of the Project are shown in Figure 1.1.  


1.3               Architectural Services Department (ArchSD) is the works agent for the project management and implementation of the Project, while FEHD is the Project Proponent and is responsible for the operation of the Project after completion of construction works.      


1.4               Based on the definitions laid down under Part I and Part II in Schedule 2 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO) as well as the nature of the proposed Project, the proposed Project is classified as a Designated Project (DP) under Category N.4 - A crematorium, Part I in Schedule 2 of the EIAO.    


1.5               Pursuant to Section 5(7)(a) of the EIAO, the Director of Environmental Protection issued the EIA Study Brief No. ESB-177/2008 to the Project Proponent for carrying out an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Study of the Project.


1.6               ENSR Asia (HK) Ltd. has been appointed by ArchSD as the Consultant to undertake the EIA Study in accordance with the EIAO, Technical Memorandum on Environmental Impact Assessment Process (EIAO-TM) as well as the Study Brief.

Purpose of the EIA Study

1.7               The purpose of this EIA Study is to provide information on the nature and extent of environmental impacts likely to arise from the demolition/construction and operation of the Project and related activities taking place concurrently. The information provided by this EIA Study will contribute to the decision on:


·         The overall acceptability of any adverse environmental consequences that is to arise as a result of the Project and the associated activities of the Project;


·         The conditions and requirements for the detailed design, demolition/construction and operation stages of the Project to mitigate against adverse environmental consequences wherever practicable; and


·         The acceptability of residual impacts after the proposed mitigation measures are implemented.

Objectives of the EIA Study

1.8               The objectives of the EIA Study are to:


·         Describe the Project and associated works together with the requirements for carrying out the Project;


·         Identify any individual Designated Project under Part I and Part II, Schedule 2 of the EIAO to be covered in the Project to ascertain whether the findings of this EIA Study have adequately addressed the environmental impacts of these projects;


·         Identify and describe the elements of the community and environment to be affected by the Project and/or to cause adverse impacts to the Project, including both the natural and man-made environment and the associated environmental constraints;


·         Present the considerations of alternatives with regard to avoiding and minimizing the potential environmental impacts on the sensitive receivers; to compare the environmental benefits and dis-benefits of the options (including project siting, layout, design, fuel to be adopted for the new cremators); to provide reasons for selecting the preferred option(s) and to describe the part of environmental factors played in the selection;


·         Identify and quantify emission sources and determine the significance of impacts on sensitive receivers and potential affected uses;


·         Investigate the feasibility, practicability, effectiveness and implications of the proposed mitigation measures;


·         Identify, predict and evaluate the residual environmental impacts (i.e. after practicable mitigation) and the cumulative effects expected to arise during the demolition/construction and operational phases in relation to the sensitive receivers and potentially affected uses;


·         Identify, assess and specify methods, measures and standards, to be included in the detailed design, demolition/construction and operational stages of the Project which are necessary to mitigate these environmental impacts and cumulative effects and reduce them to acceptable levels;


·         Investigate the extent of the secondary environmental impacts that may arise from the proposed mitigation measures and to identify constraints associated with the mitigation measures recommended in the EIA Study, as well as the provision of any necessary modification; and


·         Design and specify the environmental monitoring and audit requirements to ensure the effective implementation of the recommended environmental protection and pollution control measures.

Key Environmental Issues and Study Approach

1.9               The EIA Study addresses the following key issues:


·         The potential air quality impacts on nearby air sensitive receivers during the demolition/construction and operational stages of the Project, including the potential impacts during the transitional stage of the Project i.e. scenario(s) for operating the new cremator(s) under Phase 1 concurrently with the existing cremator(s) remain in service (if any);


·         The potential impacts of various types of material/waste to be generated from the demolition/construction and operation of the Project, in particular the demolition materials from the existing crematorium, and waste management issues associated with removal sequences, procedures and treatment/disposal arrangements to avoid cross contamination of the materials;


·         The potential land contamination resulted from the operation of the existing crematorium and its remediation, as well as the preventive measures for avoiding land contamination from the future operation of the newly re-provisioned crematorium;


·         The potential visual impacts caused by the Project during the various demolition/construction and operational stages of the Project;


·         The potential noise impacts on nearby noise sensitive receivers during the various demolition/construction and operational stages of the Project;


·         The potential water quality impacts due to the site effluent generated from the demolition/construction activities and the discharges generated from sanitary facilities during operation of the new crematorium;


·         A general description on the submission requirements of asbestos investigation report and asbestos abatement plan and the relevant measures/statutory requirements to be undertaken for complying with the Air Pollution Control Ordinance (Cap. 311); and


·         The potential cumulative environmental impacts of the Project, through interaction or combination with other existing, committed and planned developments in the vicinity of the Project, and that those impacts may have a bearing on the environmental acceptability of the Project.


1.10            The EIA Report has been prepared in accordance with the requirements stipulated in the EIAO-TM. This covers relevant project information, relevant legislation, existing environmental conditions, assessment criteria and methods, assessment findings and proposed mitigation measures.


1.11            A number of environmental aspects are not considered to be of concern to this Project, they include:


·         Ecology

·         Fisheries

·         Landscape

·         Cultural heritage 

Structure of EIA Report

1.12            The EIA Report consists of the following 12 sections:


·         Section 1:   Introduction

·         Section 2:   Project Description

·         Section 3:   Air Quality

·         Section 4:   Waste Management

·         Section 5:   Land Contamination

·         Section 6:   Visual Impact

·         Section 7:   Noise

·         Section 8:   Water Quality

·         Section 9:   Environmental Outcomes 

·         Section 10: Environmental Monitoring and Audit Requirements

·         Section 11:  Conclusion

·         Section 12:  Implementation Schedule of Recommended Mitigation Measures